Category: Russia

Russia–Urgent Need

Dear Praying Friends, Yesterday during a class our ministry’s TV fell down. The TV guy did estimates and said the repair costs will exceed the price of a new one. The cost of a new TV is $350. We are humbly praying for the swift replacement as we have already started our ESL program and …

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September 2021, Prayer Letter September brought the return ofclasses in our ESL school alongwith our other activities. Wethank God for a plentiful summer.But we are as well lookingforward to what the Lord has pre-pared for us in this new season. ESL schoolLast year, the pandemic wasforcing majority of the classesonline. Now, the classes werefinally resumed. …

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Ufa Bible Ministries, March 2021

This morning I was helping Tim to study his Bible passage. Every day he starts his home-school classes with a bible lesson. He read from an English translation and I took a copy of the Russian Bible from our church book shelf. It was an old shattered Bible, probably from our first days on the …

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Ufa Bible Ministries, January Report 2021

FEAR NOT, For I am With You: SPANNING CONTINENTS FOR CHRIST WWW.UFABIBLE.INFO The most popular Bible verse of 2020, according to the app YouVision, was words from Isaiah 41:10: fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my righteous …

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Ufa Bible Ministries Update and Special Request from Stas Karpenko in Russia

Let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. September brings harvest here. We reap what we have sown. That prompts us to reflect of how we sowed throughout the year. The same concept holds the passage where apostle Paul instructs us to evaluate our endeavors so that we may remain in good standing. Jesus …

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God Is Speaking, Stas Karpenko, Russia

Ufa Bible Ministries    April 2020 Prayer Letter There were times in history when God spoke clearly and undisguisedly. He tore the curtain in the temple to depict the truth that everyone can now come into fellowship with Him. He destroyed the temple in 70 AD to express the idea of a new spiritual temple, …

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Special Opportunity to Help with ESL School, UFA Bible Ministries , Russia

Dear Praying Friends,   What was the farthest point on earth you have sent the package to? We thought to share with you another opportunity to serve the people of Ufa, Russia through sending a package. You with your church or bible group can prepare and send a box filled with stuff for our ESL …

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February Report and Prayer Requests, Ufa Bible Ministries, Russia

ESL SCHOOL February was a real challenge for the students in our school. Two weeks out of four was a quarantine (sick days school closings) because of the flu outbreak in Ufa. Then we had 24th as a day off because February 23rd is Men’s Day in Russia – federal holiday. We’ve had only 9 …

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Ufa Bible Ministries, Stas Karpenko, Russia

As we look back over 2019 we give thanks to the Lord for all His mercy and grace that were encompassing us through the year. We praise him for those opportunities to share the gospel, especially with young and indigenous people. As we look forward, we would ask you to pray for continuation of our …

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Important Report from Russia-Stas Karpenko

Feel the field: Challenges  We’ve seen an influx in persecutions in Russia lately. Every month we hear about raids into churches by masked SWAT-type teams. They search for ‘’illegal spiritual activities’’ and terrorism chargers. Both are closely tied. Pastors and leaders are fined for “not properly marked Bibles” and “unproper proselytism”. There are several churches …

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