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July 2020 archive
Jul 27
Short Report from The Wiggins in Nigeria
Praise God we have rain for the crops. Please pray for an abundant harvest. Many here are very hungry. We will begin first harvest of potatoes within next two weeks. Rice, maize and yam still have a way to go. Pray that during harvest and distribution God opens hearts to here the Gospel and receive.
Jul 23
Part 2 of 3: The Period between the Old and New Testaments – Judy Covington
PART 1: https://youtu.be/PJoytBeZ9sY
Jul 14
Join us for TMCI Annual Conference September 23-25
LOCATION: Christian Assembly Worship Center in Lancaster, SC The Annual Conference will be held September 23-24. We are asking you to let us know your intentions (planning or hoping), restrictions permitting, so we can better make our plans. Please register your intentions to help us in our planning. REGISTER HERE: https://www.tmciworld.com/annual-conference-2020.html Updates will follow as …
Jul 07
Peaceful Protest
By: Hannah S. Hunter As I write this the President of Kenya came on media and announced he is opening the nation of Kenya. Curfew 9PM- 4AM shall remain. Also opening schools is still under discussion. If there is a resurgence of virus lockdown will be reimposed. The following is excerpts from a teaching I …
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