THANK YOU!! To those who have invested, given for Zimbabwe, THANK YOU. We are making a difference, but more is needed. The situation worsens politically and affects everyone.
I just got off the phone with Bishop Emmanuel Bawa from Zimbabwe, Africa. As we were sharing about what is going on in our lives, and what God is doing, I asked questions and a heart-wrenching scenario unfolded.
Across every level of people (except high officials in government), severe hunger and starvation is happening. At a recent government roadblock, a policeman collapsed onto the road, weak from hunger. Later that same week a stranger with a child appeared at Immanuel Chapel Ministries. It is cold there now and both were not clothed for the cold weather. Hungry and shivering from the cold, Bishop Bawa did what he could to help, including giving money out of his own pocket.
Several leaders, those with government type jobs or connections, who are Christians have had their lives threatened, including members of ICM. One recently fired government official we have met and prayed for, is in hiding due to threats and attempted murder on him and his family.
Nelson Chamisa, who ran against the current president of Zimbabwe (the vote count actually showed he won that election), is a pastor and president of the Movement for Democratic Change, has also had MUCH come against him. He remains victorious over all attempts. Keep him in prayer.
BUT God is using the situation and our support to draw people. Many are coming to ICM seeking help who have never been before. Recently on a radio program, the announcer was asked from a call-in if he knew where they could get food. He told them he heard that Immanuel Chapel Ministries in Waterfalls (ICM) was able to help! Our prayer is that this kindness will result in people seeking the God we/they represent!
Please help us help them. These words do not come near expressing appropriately the grief and concern I could hear in Bishop Bawa’s voice for his people, the people of Zimbabwe.
Keep up the prayers, and as you can, please give. 100% of the money goes to ICM/Bishop Bawa. We cover any costs incurred to send.
You can give here – all donations are tax deductible.
Bless you,
Cheryl Coulter
President, Praying the Word Ministries
(SIDE NOTE – to those whose comments question about helping the hungry in the USA – yes we do, and in other countries. However Zimbabwe is the mission field God has called me to minister to, serve in, and adopt as my second home)
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