Stephanie Baughman — TMCI Missionary to Tasmania

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. (Philippians 4:4) Even when you are tired. I am writing you after having returned from Riverbend Camp in rural Tasmania and am exhausted after a week with 46 3rd-5th graders, but there is much in which to rejoice. Primarily, the cause of rejoicing is that two children received Jesus as their Savior. There was another that we think was already a Christian, but she affirmed her faith in the Lord Jesus. Secondly, we can rejoice that camp stayed COVID free for the whole week. We are not allowed to share pictures of the children so I am including a few of the leaders doing crazy things including me on the gyorbix.

At Camp during chapel, I led the children to discover that Jesus is God who cares for people. We had a few different Bible stories that helped us discover that including Water into Wine, the Samaritan Woman, Healing of the Nobleman’s Son, and Healing of Blind Bartimaeus. The children also learned memory verses about the new life they can have when they trust Jesus as the God who cares for them. Our verses for the week were John 3:16, John 3:17, and John 3:36. Macey came up to me in the lunch line on Thursday after having received Jesus as her Savior with one of the leaders at the end of chapel and said she felt like a big weight was lifted off her. Please pray for Macey as she begins her walk with Jesus who will never leave her.

At Camp during chapel, I led the children to discover that Jesus is God who cares for people. We had a few different Bible stories that helped us discover that including Water into Wine, the Samaritan Woman, Healing of the Nobleman’s Son, and Healing of Blind Bartimaeus. The children also learned memory verses about the new life they can have when they trust Jesus as the God who cares for them. Our verses for the week were John 3:16, John 3:17, and John 3:36. Macey came up to me in the lunch line on Thursday after having received Jesus as her Savior with one of the leaders at the end of chapel and said she felt like a big weight was lifted off her. Please pray for Macey as she begins her walk with Jesus who will never leave her.

In other news, Good News Clubs will return for Term 2 on 8 May. We will sadly soon be losing two of our most faithful leaders through the years as they will be moving to mainland Australia to be closer to their grandchildren. I know that God has the leaders in mind to take their place, but over the weekend I learned that one of the people I was talking to about coming on board will now be moving to the mainland for work as well. Please be in prayer that God would raise up leaders for the Good News Club in downtown Launceston.

