Dear Friends,
God’s blessings to all of you! In many ways it seems like our
world is out of control. When you see the news, it is hard to
believe the things that are happening. Signs continue to
happen showing us that Christ’s return is getting closer and
closer. Along with the signs are the shakings that are going on
to draw His children closer to Him and to draw those who do
not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior to a relationship with
Him. Now is the time to keep our eyes on Jesus and trust Him
to bring us through the trials and tribulations that seem to be
so prevalent at this time. He is faithful.
Our ministry time in Guadalajara was awesome as we did
three children’s outreaches and a pastor’s conference. One of
the children’s outreaches was in a street in front of the house
of our Guadalajara Bible College Director, Jorge Miranda. Over
a hundred people of all ages attended the outreach and 60 +
people prayed to give their life to Christ. They all received a
great meal as well!

a blessing as many children gave their lives to Jesus.
The second outreach was in a church in a real needy part of
Guadalajara and again 100+ people attended and 50+ people
prayed to give their lives to Christ. The third outreach was outside
in a real impoverished area and we ministered to 250 + people
and 200+ people, mostly children and youth, trusted in Christ.
In each of these outreaches, besides sharing the Gospel, the
children participated in games, sang children’s Bible songs and
each child or youth received a nice Blessing Bag. Many kids also
received a good used bike and parents were able to get nice
clothing for their families and reading glasses if they needed
them. Please pray for each of these new believers to grow strong
in the Lord and to become fervent disciples of Christ!
The Pastor’s Conference that we held in Guadalajara went very
well. Approximately 20 pastors attended. Each pastor who came
received 13 Bibles and two boxes of Gospel literature. The Bibles
will be given to people in their church who do not have a Bible
and the Gospel tracts will be given out to those who do not know
Christ to share the plan of salvation with them. Pastors who
needed reading glasses received them as well. Please pray for God
to use each of these pastors mightily and for each tract and Bible
that was given out to bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

Guadalajara. We were able to learn of their needs and to provide them
with tracts and Bibles.
All of the beans that were donated to GCOM a couple of months
ago by a fellow missionary have gone into Mexico and one half of
the beans – 2200 pounds – were used to supply seven feeding
centers with beans for a long period of time in the central state of
Veracruz. The other half will be given out as care packages at the
church plant in Nuevo Laredo, that will be starting in two weeks,
and a friend of the ministry will also bring them down to churches
in Oaxaca to distribute to people with immense need. Please pray
that these beans get to the people that have the greatest need!
We will be bringing a semi-truck down of ministry supplies to the
border to cross into Mexico in a couple of months and would like to
bring several more pallets of beans down to use during ministry
outreaches beginning in September. The cost per pound for whole
beans is $ .60 cents a pound so for two tons, the cost would be
$2400 which would be a huge help to the needy people in Mexico.
Please pray if this is something you would like to help with.

Here two of the pastors at the Pastors Conference received a pair and this will be a big help
to them as they will be better able to read their Bible.
We are in need of car repairs on our two ministry vehicles. One of
them, the Suburban, needs work done on the brakes, steering, an
engine part needs to be changed and the back door locks and air conditioning
need to be fixed. The cost we were quoted was $1800.
The pickup that we use in Mexico primarily also needs repair. It is
experiencing turbocharger problems and is the vehicle we use for
hauling ministry supplies. This truck has taken a beating on the
bumpy Mexican roads. The mechanic says that a turbocharger
assembly replacement along with labor costs will run us $5200
unless we can find a good used turbocharger. Please pray for God to
help us to make these repairs as soon as possible! Please prayerfully
consider helping us toward these repairs
Thanks for the many ways that you partner with GCOM to reach lost
souls for Christ, to train future spiritual leaders, to get God’s Word in
the hands of those who are hungry for the truth and to start and
build churches. We thank God for you and pray God’s blessing over
you, your family and all that you put your hands to!
In Christ’s Love,
Rev. Kevin, Sylvia and Joshua Rosendahl
Ministry Needs
- The resources to fix our two ministry vehicles that need to be repaired –
$5200 and $1800 - Beans for the poor and needy in Mexico – two tons – $2400
- Mission groups to come and minister in Mexico with GCOM
- People who are called to be full time missionaries to come work with GCOM
in accordance with their calling, talents, skill and training. We need
someone to coordinate crossing ministry supplies into Mexico on a regular
basis. We also need people called by God to oversee GCOM mission bases in
different strategic cities and strategic parts of the country. Also, someone to
oversee our Video Bible Colleges throughout Mexico and to develop new
Prayer Needs
− Total healing for Sylvia – she still has ringing in her ears and headaches.
− Favor as Kevin speaks in churches this summer
− For God to multiply our Video Bible Colleges in Mexico and around the
− For God to send pastors and leaders of integrity to work with GCOM
− For guidance as we plan for our fall outreaches and in every decision
− For Joshua to continue to grow in his spiritual maturity daily and to
guide and direct his every step
− Healing for Joshua’s allergies
− Abundant finances for everything God wants the ministry to do
− For God to send laborers from the US or to raise up Mexican workers to
help GCOM with various areas of ministry
− For our warehouse that is filled right now in Laredo, Tx to be emptied
quickly and for the supplies to be a blessing to the people that receive
them – clothes, medical supplies, windows, doors, etc.
− For our church plant in Nuevo Laredo to grow quickly. It will start in two
− For spiritual protection over the pastors who will start the church
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