Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries

Nor scrip…, neither two coats

When Jesus was sending his disciples to minister in Mt 10, he told them to go and concentrate on the ministry, not on things. The idea that God provides for our needs when we serve Him is seen in several places. We can see that when God’s people are being brought out of Egypt to the promised land. They wore their shoes for 40 years! The matter of quality or absence of it fully depends on God. The same idea is seen in the book of Haggai. When people were building their houses instead of rebuilding the temple, they were working to put the wage into “a bag with holes.” We can say that the matter of satisfaction also depends on God. We have many stories to tell about that. We have witnessed His provision in our ministry all those years.

ESL classes

We said our goodbyes to our students and recessed till September. Several of them came to our church’s picnic last month. Please pray for preservation of the souls till fall. From our experience we know that Satan can steal those souls during a long summertime.

Easter & Summer Family Camp

Easter service went well on May 5. The attendance was good and many accepted the Word warmly. Our church’s picnic, though, was later than planned due to weather. A few of our students from the ESL school were able to come. For them it was their first time interacting with Christians.
Our Summer Family Camp is planned for July 23-30 . Pray that everything planned to do and all who planned to come may do unhindered. Pray for our budget so that we may meet the ends of the camp needs. We have a gap of $600 to fill.

Friends and Family

Lilya’s father had his speech resumed partially. That is a great miracle for all our Muslim relatives as his condition has been stably bad for two years. We praise God for that! Also, Christina successfully passed and Tim is currently passing all the exams in English and local programs.
Thank you for your prayer and your love for us.

You can make tax deductible contribution to Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity. Make checks payable to:
Ufa Bible Ministries
PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202

Exceedingly Abundant! -pt 3 : Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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Exceedingly Abundant! – pt 2: Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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You Probably Need To Hear This – Friday TMCI TV Shorts

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Exceedingly Abundant Encouragement for YOU! : Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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A Blessing FOR YOU!! – Friday TMCI TV Shorts

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You Are God’s Masterpiece – pt 2: Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Saundra Werts

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Mountain Moving Faith pt 3 – SPEAK: Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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This Blessing Is For You! – Friday TMCI TV Short

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Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries

I have not found so great faith

Jesus amazed his followers as well as around-him-ramblers by how he defined a great faith. Many thought that kind of faith would need many days of praying and fasting or doing mercy to others. But according to the tenets of the New Covenant the acceptance of Jesus as the Lord God was one and only thing. Jesus shocked the audience by admitting that the faith of the Roman centurion was actually stronger than the one of the religious leaders. We constantly see that in our ministry. We see people who are proud of their origin. By how they want to please God by doing good works. But we also see those few whose faith has a great value.

ESL school

We were delighted that a good number of young people joined our English classes this year. We do have our meaningful conversations after the classes are over and some people may leave. We can sit around and drink tea for an extra hour. Please continue to pray for these young hearts to reveal their spiritual hunger and thirst and to accept Jesus as their personal Savior.

Featured Leader

Rustem was an ordinary student when he was at the college. That’s where the Lord met him on his way. He then was mentored as a youth leader at one of the groups in a distant town. Later, he went astray from the Lord. There were many years in a darkness without God until one day he came back to the Father. Now that he returned to the Lord he and his wife host a bible study group in their home. Please pray for this brother to be an example for many. He has passed through a lot. Pray that he might comfort others wherewith he himself comforted of God. They also ask us to pray so that the Lord gives them children.

Friends and Family

Tim was thrilled to be asked to play Star Spangled Banner on the piano during his performance at his music school. Please continue to pray for the successful progress of home-schooling. Please continue to pray for Liliya’s father, too.
We are so thankful for you all. Your co-working with us through prayer that is what moves us forward.

You can make tax deductible contribution to Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity. Make checks payable to: Ufa Bible Ministries, PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202