And they were offended in him.
We have a man in our ministry who is a surgeon. One day we talked and he said that his mother had asked to call someone else to give her a shot. It was unusual to hear that she does not trust him to make a shot. He does more than just a shot at his work regularly but for his mother he was still a child. This portrayed to me the biblical truth when Jesus was saying that it is hard for relatives to accept how we have changed. For them we are still “my baby” or “my niece.” In this culture, it is especially difficult for non-Christian people from Muslim backgrounds to live with the thought that the person who was born again is different.
Our ESL students continue to attend the classes. We continue to grow in our relationships with them. And the word of God continues to penetrate their hearts. Some soils are hard for the good news and need a lot of prayer to soften it. Please remain in prayer for the hearts of our students, for the word of God will penetrate their hearts and bring fruit of repentance.
Featured Leader
This young man has known the Lord since he was in middle school. He is the son of one of our church leaders. He represents a very rare category in this field – children of Christian parents. Usually everyone around here is a believer in the first generation. He has recently been drafted for a one year compulsory army service. We prayed for his safety and well-being. Pray that the Lord would keep him in his hands through that year.
Friends and Family
Our young homeschoolers continue to move toward their half-year tests in both programs. Pray for the wise scheduling and stamina as we help them to be prepared. Continue to pray for Liliya’s father.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer for this land.
Please pray for our mission trip to the West Asia region on December 20-28. We pray for the remainder of the needed trip expenses will come which is $500.
You can make tax deductible contribution to Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity. Make checks payable to:
Ufa Bible Ministries
PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202
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