Walking in Authority: Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Angie Conner Hicks

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TMCI Annual Conference, September 25-27 in Lexington, SC. Have you registered yet? Click here for more information and to register.

Carlos and Emily Romero — Missionaries to Guatemala


A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to teach a group of pastors and leaders in Patzite, el Quiché. We had a great group of pastors and their wives attending the quarterly leadership meeting. God put on my heart to teach them about Moses and his three seasons of life. He committed a crime and had to suffer the consequences of his behavior. Through this, I instructed them about the importance of living in integrity. At the end I gave away all my suits, ties, jackets, dress shoes and four boxes of my books. What a joy it is to be able to bless the pastors during our time to transition the home base of our ministry to Texas.

God gave us favor with the people of Guatemala, and we were able to sell and give away our furniture, cars and personal items. We saw the hand of God helping us in every step. Although we were really busy, we were able to keep working doing the mission work God gave us to do. Emily finished up her semester as elementary principal at Christian
Academy of Guatemala. She was so sad to say goodbye to all of the students and her coworkers and friends, but we knew this was our God-ordained time to go. I was able to teach an online class of the book of Leviticus the night we left to fly to Texas. The class was at 7pm, and we left at 9pm for the airport.

Since we have arrived here in Ft. Worth, Texas, we have been trying to get some things for our house and settle in. Everything was going well until our air conditioner broke a few days after moving in! We are working on getting this replaced. Thankfully, some rain came and brought cooler temperatures while this happened. It had been 105 degrees Fahrenheit every day before that.

Thank you for your prayers for our transition and your continued support as you are able. We are taking a season of furlough before we begin our new ministry here after working full-time in Guatemala for almost eighteen years. I am planning to speak at a conference in Guatemala during the last week of August, and we are also looking forward to our son David getting married! He is engaged to a lovely girl from Guatemala who will be coming to live with him in Texas.
We covet your prayers for this crucial time in our lives. Please email us ( [email protected]) if you have any questions about our transition.

In His hands,
Carlos S. Romero

Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries

Dear Praying Partners,

A little less than a week and our Summer Family Camp will be started. We are all in the preparatory mode for the camp as there are lots of organizational questions to be solved. We expect great turnout this year but at the same time weather may create some problems for our people. With the ongoing rains the rivers are overflowing. Flooding situation is bad in some nearby counties. We are stepping up by faith knowing the Lord is our protection and strength.

Would you please…

1. Pray for good weather so that we won’t be flooded or our tents smashed by the strong winds. Pray for our safety.

2. Pray for our interaction with the indigenous people so that they’d be friendly and we’d have our opportunities to share with them the good news.

3. Pray for every participant’s heart that the Lord used this time to draw each one closer to Himself.

Thank you for praying. We thank each of you who helped with the camp.

Writing another chapter (of Acts),

Stas Karpenko

God’s Instrument: Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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Dressed for Battle – pt 2: Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Saundra Werts

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All Things – Friday TMCI TV Shorts

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Dressed For Battle – pt. 1: Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Saundra Werts

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This Verse Holds The TRUTH: Friday TMCI TV Short

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Exceedingly Abundant! – pt 4: Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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Les and Cele Walker — Missionaries to Honduras

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. May the joy of the Lord be your strength in good times and hard times. May there be peace within your household as you glorify God in your words and actions. May the love of God overwhelm you with comfort and peace of mind.

It has been a while since I have written. A lot has happened and I will try to cover it as quickly as possible.

When I returned to Honduras, Les, with the help of some friends, had moved us into a new house. It is a good fit for right now and we are thrilled to have all these windows. It has been very hot and our A/C is not big enough to cool this house like it did the other house so we have been thanking God for the fans and breezes that help us stay cool even when the temps reach 105 or higher with a feels like of almost 115. I realize it’s hard to believe, but it really does feel OK most of the time. The A/C does work to cool the house down in the evening after the sun goes down, however we seldom use it.

Our English conversations classes are going well. We have several people come and go from the class with over 35 lives touched so far. We had our largest class this last month. We had 12 students at once! Thankfully, Pastor Luis gave us 6 older school chairs with a desk connected and so we had enough room for all the students. It was fantastic to have so many students at one time. I will also be starting another online class next week and hopefully start having classes online with a past student. The internet where she lives is not consistently strong enough to have a class. However, I will be doing my best to help her get some work done. I may not be the teacher for all of the online classes if my missionary friend is able to help with the online classes. She will be visiting here to see if living here will be a good fit for her. I am praying the answer will be YES! She is a fabulous person and I am sure the people here will welcome her with open arms.

As an addition to our English-speaking classes, we have added an English speaking bible study. We now have the ability to grow and study God’s Word with a group that speaks our native language. All other activities we do with the church family are in Spanish. It has been exciting to host this group of believers.

We have been led to rent a 2nd house near where we live now. It is a 1 bedroom home with an office, full living room, dining room and kitchen. It needs some work done, which we will be doing on our own for the owner. We will have the opportunity to stay in this home for up to 7 years, maybe more. The property has several types of fruit trees as well as some herbs and pepper plants. We have had the opportunity to eat 2 fresh mango’s, lemons, sour sop, oregano, 2 types of cilantro that I can eat. There are other trees and plants. This second property has given us the opportunity to host a missionary friend for several months starting in July. What a blessing it will be to have her help and that we are able to help her. I will share more about that in the next newsletter.

I would like to share some of the answered prayers God has provided

One of our students was diagnosed with a fibrous tumor that the doctor

thought might be cancerous. She came over and we talked for a while and we prayed and declared that she would be healed without the need for surgery. This past week she came over with some exciting news. She does not have to have surgery and the tumor will be treated with natural herbs instead of toxic medication with bad side effects. It is so exciting to see how God heard her prayers and belief that she would not need surgery!

We have a student that was dealing with a pain in his hips and legs. He was unable to work for almost a month because of the pain. He is now healed and able to work and even did a bit of a dance to show how God had healed him.

Prayer requests:

I have several friends who have recently lost siblings, children, parents, and spouses. One who’s husband passed over a year ago and a friend whose son took his own life just over a year ago. Please join us in praying for them and their families.

Les and I will be traveling to the U.S. for the month of June. We will be in Minnesota and could use a vehicle while we are there.

Thank you for your prayers.

May the joy of the Lord fill you with Great Joy as you enjoy the end of spring and beginning of the summer in the United States.

In His Grip,

Cele and Les Walker

Walker Missions Honduras