Leo and Elizabeth Escalante — Missionaries in Dominican Republic

TOMORROW, Monday, April 4th the Chronological Bible Podcast will begin! On anchor.fm/chronological-bible-l2q you can find a link to your favorite Podcast provider.  

Check Facebook &/or Instagram tonight for this week’s reading list from the New Testament.  We’d love to have you join us on this journey!

We are excited to share the ⬆️ above project with you!  We have participated in a similar group in Spanish here in Jarabacoa each year since 2014 & it has been such a blessing to our lives!  Last year the Lord placed on Elizabeth’s heart to do a similar group in English.  Here is the birth of that dream which for many months a team of American, Canadian & Dominican brothers & sisters have come alongside to help bring to life. 

As we continue to serve as part of the pastoral team at Amor a Quisqueya, Elizabeth also began in December of 2021 to serve at the Christian school, Doulos Discovery, where Amelia, Jonas & Eliot attend.  God opened the door there as a source of helping to supplement our income.  She is serving this year as High School Teaching Assistant, proctoring online math classes, substituting, translating, & many different ways which the Lord is opening to build relationships with students, staff & families.  As pastors, every day also brings different challenges & tasks ranging from: discipling new believers, administrative tasks, leading prayer & worship, pastoral counseling, visiting the sick & mentoring (among other things). 

November 2, 2021 Leo’s father was also operated on to remove a polyp from his larynx which resulted in the diagnosis of Stage III Throat CancerRafael (Siro) underwent 7 weeks of chemotherapy and daily radiation.  Oncologists & treatment is an hour away in Santiago, so there have been many long days, especially for Leo & his dad.  Post chemo & radiation he underwent a slew of tests including a PET Scan in Santo Domingo.  There was an area of concern in a bone on his PET Scan, possibly consistent with metastasis.  He saw the oncologist last Monday (Mar. 28) & is currently doing more tests to have a bone biopsy & further study of the area (iliac bone). We continue to pray for COMPLETE HEALING, health, protection & provision!

In addition to our monthly budget needs, we are praying for a 7-Passenger Vehicle for family & ministry use.  We currently have one 5-passenger vehicle (which these days tends to be going to & from the cancer center in Santiago leaving Elizabeth & the kids on foot).  For years we have been praying for a second vehicle and we pray that the time for this dream to be a reality would be now. 

We sincerely thank you for your partnership with us in what God is doing in & through us in the DR.  We thank the Lord every time we remember each of you!

There are now multiple ways you can make a tax-deductible donation!
The church and ministry FCAQ is now registered in the US as a 501(c)(3) as
“Love to Quisqueya”.  
Whether you send your support through our church in the DR,
“Love to Quisqueya,” or our home/sending church in Iowa,
please include a note indicating: 
Support for Escalantes, Vehicle Fund, etc. 
(If you designate your support to a specific purpose,
we will use it for that specific purpose!)

To send your donations through our church in the DR,
Love to Quisqueya:
Checks should be written to:  Love to Quisqueya
And sent to:  Love to Quisqueya
519 N 19th St
Denison, IA 51442

***Donors may send questions/communication/request direct deposit/receive receipts/etc. by email: [email protected]

To send your donations through our Home Church in Iowa:

Checks should be written to:First Baptist Church
And sent to:Dominican Republic Ministry
PO Box 220
Kiron, IA 51448

***Donors may contact Stephanie Ballantine about automatic payments or receipts by email:[email protected]

Chris & Larena Johnston – Missionaries to Ireland

Planning Praying, and Preparing — “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
Which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

Greetings Loved ones! We hope this newsletter finds you well.
March flew by, and we find ourselves on the verge of spring and the cusp
of the next season of ministry. The past several months have been a sort
of recovery and preparation period. We’ve been getting our house and
family back in order after a very stressful and chaotic year shadowing
Lighthouse Church in Dublin. At the same time, we have been planning,
praying, and preparing for the building of our Galway City Church.

We were so incredibly thankful for Madisen, the daughter of
our Living Hope Church Pastors, who selflessly came over to help us get
back on our feet. She was here for 8 whole weeks, and played a vital role
in watching the kids during the day, giving Larena and I a chance to tackle
some important projects. Not only that, we finally had a babysitter, which
meant we could go on dates! We were tremendously blessed by the peace
she brought, the help she provided, and the relief we had as we began to
get caught up on things, finally getting our heads above water. Out of our
thankfulness, we wanted to bless her in return. So, we regularly made it a
point to take her to see various parts of Ireland. It was exciting for us to
see the sheer joy and awe on her face as we drove through Connemara or
sat at the Cliffs of Moher soaking in its beauty. For St. Patricks Day, we
all went to Athenry and watched the parade, spent time at the park, and
then had fellowship with the pastors of Athenry Gospel Center and their
family. Madisen was only here for two months, but she really became part
of the family. From day one she just slotted right in. We joked about her
staying forever, but deep down we weren’t really joking! Unfortunately,
she had to leave on March 18th, and our family grieved as if we were saying
goodbye to one of our own children. There’s certainly a Madisen shaped
hole in all of our hearts. But she’s left a lasting impression on us, and
helped us get to a place of stability and strength as we head into a time of
crucial ministry development. Thank God for Madisen!

We were able to get into town with the intention of blessing a
few homeless people. Our goal was to connect with them, love on them,
help them feel like they weren’t invisible, and see if there was an immediate
need we could meet for them. Larena spoke to a Romanian woman named
Nadia. She was an older lady begging on the streets in the freezing cold.
The thing she needed the most was relief from pain. She asked for
ibuprofen, we got her some, and prayed for her. I met Costa, a Romanian
man who had set up a cardboard residence across the road from St. Nicholas
Church. All he asked for was a hot coffee to keep him warm, so Anora and
I went and got him exactly what he wanted. When I got to the bridge next
to the Hotel I met Thomas, an Irish man in his 50’s. He was lying under a
thin blanket, trying to stay warm, yet his feet were sticking out. I knelt
down to talk to him. It was clear that he was drunk and miserable. I put
myself in his shoes for a moment, and imagined what It’s like to not have
a place to go for warmth. I imagined the rejection and sense of
hopelessness as he lay there. Many people might walk past and look down
on him, judge him for being drunk, and chastise him in their minds. But,
God put compassion on my heart for Thomas, and I spoke to him as a
friend. When I asked him if there was anything he needed, he immediately
said “blankets.” Larena and I then went and bought him a nice warm
blanket. When I returned and covered him with it, tears welled up in his
eyes. He was so thankful for this simple act of kindness. He began to
open up and tell me that he wanted to die, but the only thing keeping him
from jumping in the river was his dog, who he revealed was under the
blanket with him. It broke our hearts! God help us reach Thomas! He was
very adamantly against prayer, and cursed God…but we believe Thomas
will open His heart to Jesus and that is our prayer.

These interactions put in us a deeper desire to learn more about
any programs that currently exist to help these people, with the intention
of partnering with them. We already have a relationship with COPE, who
provide meals and beds at night for people. Also, we’re connected with
Bridge Watch, whose goal it is to reduce the number of suicides that take
place off of the numerous bridges in Galway City. If it doesn’t already
exist, we would love to see something that provides shelter for those who
have nowhere to go. Please be in prayer for this ongoing effort. Once we
find the space in town, we’re looking forward to doing a lot more to bless
people like Nadia, Costa, and Thomas.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, we ourselves
braced for impact. There’s a real sense that Europe will be greatly affected
by this impact. Right off the bat, there was panic about fuel shortage and
prices skyrocketing. We put an appeal out to our network of supporters,
and immediately received overwhelming responses. We were able to fill
our home heating oil tank to the top right before the prices went through
the roof, praise God! We are now taking some steps to prepare for possible
food shortages this upcoming winter, as some reports are projecting.

Our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people as they suffer. I
spoke to a Ukrainian girl who was in my CCI classes in Dublin. She has
family who are in the middle of it all, and told me about her father who
might be called to fight. Please join us in praying for the innocent people
who are caught up in this conflict, as well as for the people in European
countries (including Ireland) who will no doubt be affected by the ripple
effects. Our financial needs have increased significantly, but we’re in awe
of how God orchestrates our support without us having to itinerate. We’re
so thankful for all of our faithful supporters, and blown away by one in
particular (you know who you are) who stepped up and helped us with our
great need! Praise God that we have such an amazing army of prayer
warriors and supporters alongside us. God bless you all! ~The Johnstons

Prayer Requests
We would be honored if you would pray with us concerning:
Please pray for the perfect leading and direction forthe space in town.
Please pray for Madisen, that she will be blessed for coming here and blessing us in this season, pray for
her future and Gods great plans for her life!
Please pray for Nadia, Costa and Thomas. May we continue to build relationships with them, and lead them to Jesus.
Please pray for the city center location we have been fervently praying for and seeking. We know it’s
Gods timing, but we are anxious to get into town to start this great work God has given us to do in

Support Information
If you would like to team up & contribute to this important mission, please make checks out to:
Hope Ireland Missions
229 W. Exchange St.
Crete, IL 60417
(Chris & Larena Johnston on the memo line)
or simply go to:
& click on “partner.”

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Mike Swearingen: Outside the Four Walls

Urgent need for Missionary Stas Karpenko in Russia

Dear Partners,

We live in hard times. Today we realized that our visa and mastercard cards don’t work in Russia anymore. As this was our reliable way to transfer the funds for our ministry to Russia, it puts us in a dire straits. We need to do all international transfers by wire transfer now. Or, perhaps, we’ll need to travel to a neighbouring country where we can use an ATM. Both Facebook and Instagram are down in the country and there are rumors they can ban youtube and slow the internet in the country. When the first shock passed we understood that we have faced the times of uncertainty. Could you consider a special offering for our ministry? We need at least $1000 to maintain the normal course of the ministry here in Russia.

Writing another chapter,

Stas karpenko

Friday TMCI TV Interview with Bishop Mike Swearingen: Kneeology

Tuesday Encouragement with Matt Grossman of Rebuilt Ruins Ministries: Facebook Can’t Sensor God!

Friday TMCI TV: Distract, Discourage, Disable with Cheryl Coulter: Part 3

Tuesday with Cheryl Coulter: Distract, Discourage, Disable – Part 2

Troy Guild Mission to the Children

“Changing our World one Life at a Time”   

Praise the Lord, me and Lis have been very busy. Thanks to the support of others, we were able to go to a Pastor’s Conference at the beach.  It was so refreshing to go sit back and just receive what the Lord has for you. It has been several years since I was able to go to a conference. We are living in the middle of a drug war and we need your help.  In the past 5 weeks 105 people have been killed. There are several killings each night.  It is really hard, we hear the shots, and we know some of the people who have been killed.  Drug dealers from other states are trying to take over Colima and until one side wins people will continue to die.  Corruption is everywhere and the only hope we have is in the name above all names, and we trust in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We need your prayers, people are suffering and dying. We are not afraid, but we are tired of all the pain. 

Thankfully we also have some good news such as the huge response to our marriage classes. Our first night we had almost 30 people, and we are seeing the Lord work in many marriages.  Also, we have six youth who have been invited to youth camp next month. Through sponsorship and donations, we reduced the price to $25 per person.  Please let me know if you can sponsor one of our teens. This is the first time we have ever had a chance to send our kids to camp. Please help if you can.  We are still trying to raise money for our new nursery and toddler’s class.  We will do it through a “GoFundMe” account, and I will let you know when it is up and running.  The rainy season is coming and will be here in June.  Our children’s class has many holes in the roof, and if it rains, they will get wet.  We patched it last year with tape, but this year we need to replace the roof. It will cost about $1,000 dollars and I could use some volunteers to come help me. 

Contact me if you can help.  We also need to put up our back fence to keep the neighbor’s cows out, so we can plant some flowers and trees to help make our Church beautiful again. We have people ready to donate plants, but we can’t plant until we get the cows out. We need three rolls of barbed wire and 40 posts to finish it. It will cost about $300 if we do it ourselves and $ 600 to have it done.  I am glad we are growing but it comes at a cost, and I am truly thankful to God for what he has provided and for what he will provide. Thank you for helping us Change our world one life at a time”
 Please make donations to Mission to the Children PO BX211322 Bedford TX 76095 orhttps://www.paypal.com/paypalme/missiontothechildren

Friday TMCI TV with Cheryl Coutler: Distract, Discourage, Disable – Part 1