#4 Blog settings test

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Mountain Moving Faith pt. 2 – BELIEVE: Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries

Jesus taught his disciples that the necessity of becoming a new creation through spiritual birth is essential for applying his teachings. Very limited success has attempts to fully enjoy the new truths in the lives of people whose living was based on the Old Testament standards or no standards at all. That is what we see here in our ministry. A non-Christian person may hear a truth that he likes during a service or bible study group, say, on patience. He likes one thing in it which he wants to apply in his life. But later he comes and shares that this particularly truth does not work in his life. So, we have to explain that to fully apply Bible principles a person needs to be born again, be a new creation in Christ. Then he will be able to feel the renewing work of the Holy Spirit in his life as well, we, in the lives of others.

ESL classes

As spring is drawing to its end so do our English as Second Language classes. We are going to have our final gatherings prior to recess for summer break. Those classes in May usually are of the most fruitful as people are open to share their problems with us.

Featured Leader

Maksim is a young high school student. He loves the Lord and wants to follow him completely. As all people who come to the Lord in their young ages he wants to change the world. He was growing up with one parent. So he really understands the truth God is my father. Take time to pray for this young brother. He has his battles ahead of him. Pray that he would be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand firm.
Easter service is on May 5 this year. Pray for good attendance and acceptance of the God’s word on the service. Also, on May 9 we are going to have our annual picnic. That is an event where we invite our non-Christian friends for some food and fun.

Friends and Family

Our homeschooling ratio, for the time spent, is now 80% for the local school program and 20 % for English. As the important tests are coming up, we shift our attention toward preparing for them. Please pray for successful passing of all local tests. Please continue to pray for Liliya’s father, too.

You can make tax deductible contribution to Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity. Make checks payable to:
Ufa Bible Ministries
PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202

Do you know THIS Scripture? – Friday TMCI Short

Mountain Moving Faith pt 1 – HEAR: Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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Apply This Truth: TMCI short

Early Bird Registration for our TMCI Annual Conference is open, click here to register.

Communion with Holy Spirit: Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts

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