Category: General

Bishop Coulter: Who Do You Trust the Most?

1. Judy Covington: Where We Are/Who We Are and the Period between the Old and New Testaments

Remember Your First Love: Encouragement from Bishop Coulter


Housing the Godhead: Encouragement from Bishop Coulter

Notes from Bishop Coulter: Be Still and Know

Ps 46:10   Be still, and know that I am God This verse is a very familiar verse that most us know by heart. But knowing is one thing; doing it is another. It is imperative that we take time alone with God to hear His still, small voice. The fact is that God wants to …

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Encouragement from Bishop Coulter: Be Still and Know

Bishop Coulter: Pray and Speak BOLDLY

  TEXT Hi this is Bishop Bob Coulter with another TMCI say word of encouragement for the week. I pray that you, your family and those you minister to have been protected from the virus. I encourage you to pray the blood over your family, and over those whom God given you to shepherd. Our …

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Alternate New Normal By: Hannah S. Hunter

Alternate New Normal By: Hannah S. Hunter Isaiah 5:7a(NLT)” The nation of Israel is the vineyard of the Lord of Heaven’s armies. The people of Judah are His pleasant garden.” Events occur that reshape or forever change us as individuals, families, towns, and nations. Each generation can point and say this defined us or our …

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We have made a decision to postpone the Women’s Conference and issue this call to prayer

After much prayer, We have made a decision to postpone the Women’s Conference and issue this call to prayer: Let us unite in prayers for each other, our families, our president, our nation, as we are called to do in 1 Timothy 2: 1-2  A Call to Prayer First of all, then, I urge that …

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Encouragement from Bishop Coulter: Don’t Miss the Opportunity audio