Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: The Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit

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Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Wert: Communion With Holy Spirits

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Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: Our Indwelling Helper

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Tim and Trena Johnson — Missionaries in Dominican Republic

Tim & Trena Johnson’s news & updates

Continued ministry: evangelism, preaching, teaching, hosting baptisms for local churches, distributing tracts, hosting visitors, coordinators for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement D.R., blessing missionaries by volunteering for and hosting Agape Flights mail carrier office, involvement with Latin American Chaplains Association (L.A.C.A.), Santiago Christian School board (Trena is secretary) and Tim continues to write his autobiography. Please pray for us and Dominican Republic. Thanks for reading!!!

Visitors and Outreaches . . .

December 2022 we hosted a mission team of twenty. Ministry included Schools (pictured), Duarte Park, Kids Club (pictured). 544 people prayed for salvation on these outreaches!

Kids’ Club Christmas Outreach at Casa Grande, with a gift, New Testament and gospel tract for each child.

Roof Project Update… it’s nearing completion!

Darren has been working diligently for about 8 months building rafters and putting a corrugated metal roof over our existing, water filtering, flat cement roof. He is almost finished and it is looking great and makes La Casa Grande más Grande! (The Big house bigger)!

Travels and Conferences . . .

February, Tim & Trena were able to attend a mission conference in Florida for encouragement and growth. Long-time friends and former mission partners, Tom & Susan Stukenberg (serving in Guatemala) also attended. We shared housing, a rental car and hours catching-up and reminiscing on God’s faithfulness. From there, Tim & Trena traveled to Panama for a conference for Spanish speaking coordinators for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement discipleship course. Fourteen countries were represented. We continue to build a team to bring Perspectives to the D. R. Prayers appreciated!

Thanks so much for your love, prayers and financial support! We are so grateful for your partnership as we work together in the Master’s harvest field, bring people into God’s kingdom!

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: Knowing the Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit

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Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Cheryl Coulter: Solitaire

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Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: Faith That Connects You

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Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries

Admonishing every man

Wherever Paul went, he tried to get in touch with the local disciples. In Acts 21 he was going to Jerusalem but he was making multiple stops on the way there. I believe Luke was writing about each of the encounters and all the names for purpose. Paul could have made it straight. Instead, he made every stop possible to pray and encourage the new churches. In some churches he was appointing the presbyters while in the others he was holding some sort of retreat. He himself wrote about this his determination to “present every soul adult/perfect/grown in Christ Jesus.” Let it be in us, too.

Picnic May 9th and ESL classes

Our regular May 9th picnic went well. We had some new souls attending that were brought by the church members. Many were touched by the redeemed relationships that they saw between us at the riverbanks. Some expressed their interest to attend one of our groups. Could you pray that they could visit our Sunday service?
Our ESL classes are set to finish at the end of May. Please pray for us as we are doing the year’ end events. Pray that every precious soul would have an opportunity to hear the gospel. Also, worth praying for preservation of the souls during the long summer break.

Summer Family Camp

The SFC is set for July 25-30 this year. As always, it is a highlight of the year. We can do a lot of special things there. Most importantly, we can hold a seminar and outreach in nearby villages. We still have to rise $1300 for the camp, though.
If you pray for the brother that we’ve written about in our last few letters. He is going to travel north to join his family there and then they are going to come back to Ufa together. Could you continue to pray that the Lord would continue to restore the brother.

Friends and Family

We are seeing His mercy as we are in the middle of the exams season. Pray for wisdom and stamina for all of us throughout this season.
Thank you for standing with us for this land. We cannot properly express our gratefulness to you for your sacrifice and prayers for this ministry here!

You can make tax deductible contribution to Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity. Make checks payable to:
Ufa Bible Ministries
PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Werts: Power of the Spoken Word!

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