Jan 23
Bishop Coulter: the word from the Lord for TMCI 2018
This is the word I received from the Lord for TMCI for 2018
This going to be a year of explosion. The Holy Spirit will bring forth new revelation in your life. We will experience explosive growth spiritually and numerically. The Lord says, “Go deeper in Me and I will bring you to a higher plain so that I can give you new revelation. You will be able to see beyond the horizon with your own eyesight and will see with spiritual eyesight what I have for you. But you must pay the price of time and effort to know Me better. Much I have for those who will go deeper in Me. Much more for those who truly take the time with Me, so I can speak to them in that still quiet voice. Those who go deeper in Me will go farther this year in the spiritual and physical areas of their lives. I am ready to explode your ministry so that I may be glorified for what I accomplish through you. Go deeper and I will empower you for great and mighty works. Go deeper and know that I am God, and nothing is impossible with Me. Go deeper and I will reveal the secrets of the kingdom to you. Go deeper and reap the benefits of My blessing and empowerment. Go deeper and receive the renewed anointing in your life. Go deeper and I will give you the desires of your heart because your heart will be filled with My desires. Go deeper and you will see the salvation of the Lord in all that you do.” Thus says the Lord.
Nov 03
A Little Kneeology – ‘every living and breathing moment’ (11-3-17)
A Little Kneeology…Ephesians 5:16 (Voice) “Make the most of every living and breathing moment because these are evil times.”
This morning I had some very specific plans so I got up early so that I could get some breakfast, a quick cup of coffee and get on my way. The day was already full of busyness as I had so much to wrap up, and also to get ready for the big rally in Galveston. As I entered the living room my little toddler granddaughter, Laila, reached out her arms and said, “Hey, Pawpaw!”. Taking her in my arms, she kissed me and snuggled up in my neck and beard. I sat down with her and we spent two hours loving on each other and watching Elmo, making the most of that **living and breathing moment**.
I know Paul was speaking of taking every opportunity to witness to others about Jesus but he was also, in my opinion, speaking about taking advantage of every moment to enjoy life and one another, as well as to do good. As life’s moments are not able to be re-lived, except in our memories, it is so important that we take every opportunity to enjoy life because there is, without doubt, opposition from the enemy and the world itself.
It was once advertised, “LOST: yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward offered, for they are gone forever.”
I know that we have been told that we are to stay busy until the Master returns, but I also know in the spirit of Jesus it is important just how we stay busy. I have come to evaluate busyness, with the Lord’s help, by a standard of asking myself one major question, _“In comparison with, and in the scope of eternity, just how important is this particular matter or task?”_
In other words, will my fretting and worrying, being so busy with a matter or task make any difference in mine or another’s eternity? Have you ever asked yourself, “Why would God make flowers if He didn’t want us to take time to smell them and notice their beauty?”
I am sure that a great deal of the busyness that we allow to smother us is just that, busyness, the kind of stuff that the world wants to distract us with. and the result of what we have deemed to be important for our own agendas. I guess some of that wisdom that comes with age is the realization that a lot of what we once thought was so important and robbed us of precious opportunities was not of the Lord’s design.
As I am writing this note I could not help but listen to Dolly Parton sing “Precious Memories” and as she sang the words, “Precious memories, how they linger”. I pray that each of us will realize the value of each moment and let not one get lost in the busyness between sunrises for they will be lost forever.
Thank you Lord for the precious moments. Amen.
NOTW, Bro. Mike
Oct 02
Pray and Fast for our Nation: Next 3 months are crucial
Bishop Bob Coulter: PRAY FOR OUR NATION:
Forces of evil continue to battle for position of power in this nation. They are hard at work to hold their ground and promote chaos among the leaders and people of this nation.We must have the same resolve as the enemy has. We must be willing to pay the price for the soul of this nation.Many Christian are praying that God will change the United States. I have noticed that when God moves to change the circumstances, He raises up a leader He can use. Rom 13:1 tells us that it is God who raises up leaders. Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God (NKJV)Then we are instructed in 1 Tim 2:1-3 Therefore I exhort first that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior (NKJV)But sometime however a leader needs extra help from the people. For example, Esther was willing to go before the King, but she called her people to prayer and fasting.Esther 4:15-16 Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: 16 “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”(NKJV)The question is how much do you want reformation in the USA? Are you willing to pay the price?This year, next year, and all the years to come, it is critical that we learn to listen and walk in the Spirit. We need bold Christians to make a difference for Christ in this world. God has called TMCI to make a difference, not only here in the United States, but throughout the world.We must boldly pray and boldly speak out against the evil in this country.Last year, we prayed and fasted for our nation on Mondays at lunch. I invite you to join me as I pray and fast for our nation once again on Mondays at lunch time (at whatever your lunchtime is) starting October 2 until the end of the year. I feel urgently in my spirit that the next three months are crucial in the life of our nation.Earnestly praying for our nation,
May 22
‘You’ meant evil; God meant good: Kneeology from Bro. Mike for May 18
A Little Kneeology….. Genesis 50:20 (NASB) ”You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result”.
Last week, Tuesday morning, my daughter Michelle, who manages the missions side of Rushing Wind went out to open our shower trailer for use by the homeless only to find out that the power cord had been cut, sawed off.
They had removed about 25 feet of some very expensive wire that powered the a/c, water heater, lights and fans. We had to turn away several people over a three-day period due to an inoperable shower. But when the word hit the street, immediately the local television station responded by doing a spot on the local news and twelve electrical companies also responded.
The company that did the work did not charge us a dime and not only repaired it but added security lighting that was badly needed as well. Each company told us that if we ever needed anything to call them. I must admit that when we first discovered the vandalism, I was upset. However, the Holy Spirit told me to sit and chill.
One of our clients said, “I bet you would like to just have five minutes with whoever did ya’ll wrong, huh?” It appears I had been asked that question several times during the next couple of days in one form or another. I even had several describe what would happen if the street people would find who had cut the wire because it was hurting them. As I was sitting and thinking about the whole mess, his words and like statements echoed in my mind.
I then asked myself, “What would I do with those five minutes?” My daughter asked, “Dad, what are you feeling?” I replied by telling her that if I had five minutes with whoever, I would share Jesus with them in hopes that their heart would be changed. I would not wish them harm but a transformed heart. One person said that they did not understand why I didn’t get angrier and asked why I was taking it so calmly? I replied that my anger and subsequent action would have interrupted God’s plan. I explained that the Holy Spirit told me that God had a plan to take what was meant for evil against His work and use it as an example of how He would use it to display goodness in the hearts of men (the responders) and for His glory.
It witnessed to me that far too often we allow our flesh, anger and revenge, in this case, to interrupt God’s plan. It is my hope that the offender will see how God used this situation to demonstrate His glory and it all be used to change their heart.
I give praise to God that His Holy Spirit hobbled this “ol’ hoss” with an anointing of wisdom. He deserves all the glory. Amen?
NOTW, Bro. Mike
May 12
A Little Kneeology: Bro Mike – Jealousy will destroy a work and kill a revival
A Little Kneeology…..1 Corinthians 3:3 (NLT) “ for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn’t that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature? Aren’t you living like people of the world?”
Paul speaks of a tool of destruction used on a regular basis by the enemy to destroy ministries and their leadership, that of jealousy.
I am reminded of a good example of how jealousy between ministries can be detrimental. In our community, some of the churches got together and invited an awesome youth evangelist to come to one of cities in our region along with several Christian bands and other speakers. The crusade drew youth from communities beyond expectations and the numbers of responses for Christ were fantastic every night with the altar call lasting for a couple of hours. Contact cards were completed for follow up. A few weeks later as I attended a meeting of the ministerial alliance in that community, I asked how the follow up was going? One of the pastors responded by saying we are trying to figure out who gets the cards. The problem, as it seemed, was if the youth who responded were going to join a church, shouldn’t it be the one who sponsored the larger part of the event? I choked! My response was that I didn’t care where they would go just as long as they would be going and that they would come to know Jesus. Two years later no one knew where the follow up cards were. Jealousy has won its victory.
The enemy wins every time we allow jealousy to interfere in our ministries and what is supposed to be a unified effort to introduce people to Christ Jesus. I have always found that churches and ministries that are jealous for their own are full of fear and a sense of security. They are certainly not content and are focused on what they consider theirs instead of the Kingdom. When the enemy detects envy, jealousy, and greed, guess where he is going to attack. Those who are jealous for their own seem to lose focus of the actual ownership of the ministry. We must guard against such envy and jealousy by developing a strong union in purpose with other ministries in the effort to not only tell others about Jesus, but to show Him in our actions as well.
I recently told a friend that I would not want to have the only church in town, as not only would it be such an over whelming experience, but I know that I could not care for the needs of everyone.
Recently, the Lord gave me a word saying, “It not about needing more churches but the churches uniting in their effort and being instruments of the Kingdom.”
I truly believe that TMCI is a splendid example of that word as it is composed of many ministries that are independent but connected in the effort to bring Jesus to people and the people to Jesus.
May we all find our peace in unity and our identity not in our ministries but in Christ Jesus. Amen?
NOTW, Bro. Mike
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