Friday TMCI TV Legacy with Bishop Bob Coulter: Money and Fundraising for your Ministry. Words of wisdom from our beloved Bishop.

Tuesday Encouragement – Bishop Moses Nueman, World Care Ministries International: Wisdom for Leaders

Kevin and Sylvia Rosendahl — Missionaries to Mexico

Dear Friends,
God blessings to all of you! Thanks for being a vital part of
Grace Christian Outreach Ministries. Sylvia is getting
stronger from her surgery. After her surgery at Mayo Clinic,
she had no headache or bad tinnitus for four days. The fifth
day she rolled on her left side and all of a sudden, the
headache and bad tinnitus hit her again. The doctor thinks
that maybe the blood patch did not hold. She will see the
doctor again in a couple of months and we will go from
there. We are also checking other options while we believe
for a miracle for her. She has been able to help the ministry
more the past couple of weeks and when she gets tired or
the headache and ringing gets worse, she will take a rest and
lie down for a while and that seems to help some. In reality,
she has come a long way from last year when she could
hardly do anything at all due to her brain being
decompressed from the abundance of spinal fluid in her
brain. Thanks for your continued prayers! Joshua has also
been battling a bronchitis type illness so please pray for his
complete healing as well!

It has been a busy month with GCOM helping with
outreaches in Progreso, Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo, Gomez
Palacio, Frontera and Monclova. GCOM provided blessing
bags, joy boxes, Bibles, Gospel tracts and booklets, clothes,
reading glasses and blankets and quilts for each outreach. In
total 2620 people were ministered to through these
outreaches and 628 people put their trust in Jesus. Please
pray for all of these new believers, of all ages, to become
strong disciples of Jesus Christ. The work of a missionary is to
equip the national people to do the work of the ministry and
that is what GCOM is doing – preparing leaders and helping
them to do the work of the ministry.

Pastor Kevin sharing God’s word at
an Outreach in Nuevo Laredo.
Pastors packing the van used to
take literature and Bibles to 60
pastors waiting to receive God’s
word to share with their
congregations. The pastors were so
eager to receive God’s word that
they waited from early morning
until after midnight.

On May 15th a group of us head down to minister in the
mountains near Tepic, Nayarit where the Cora and Huichole
Indians live. We will go up four hours into the mountains to
minister to the Cora Indians and then drive four more hours
to where the Huicholes live. We will have a pastor’s house to
stay in while ministering to the Cora but will stay in caverns
with the Huicholes. In Mexico, according to the Joshua
Project, the Huicholes are the most unreached people group
with .1 percent or so Christians. The pastors who are
opening doors for us there tells us that there are no
churches with the Huicholes. We are bringing thousands of
blessing bags with us along with beans, quilts, blankets,
Bibles and Gospel literature. Please pray for God’s
protection and for God’s angels to watch over us as we drive
in the mountains. Also, for God to prepare the hearts of the
people to make Christ their Lord and Savior when they hear
the plan of salvation and for them to see Christ’s love for
them through us as we minister among them. Also, for the
van and trailer to run well and for unity among the group. In
total, on this trip, we will be driving approximately thirty -six
hours. Diesel fuel, which the ministry van uses, is 50 cents a
gallon cheaper in Mexico. Even so, you can see that the cost
of gas for this trip will be expensive. We will be looking at
probably $1500 needed for this trip as the van will be pulling
a loaded trailer for half of those hours. While in the
mountains we will be loading up the van, and also the
ministry truck of the couple from San Antonio who will be
leading us on this grand evangelistic endeavor, with ministry
supplies and be leaving the trailer at the foot of the
mountain. Please pray about helping towards the cost of this
trip and we also want to help with any potential projects
that may show themselves to us while in the mountains.

I battled to get a car and trailer permit for this trip but
thanks to the Lord, Bob and Marilyn Nordaune, were led to
drive our gray trailer from Canby MN to Laredo, TX so we
could get the previous car and trailer permit cancelled and a
new one put on for this trip. They also brought many
blessing bags and

much literature with them in the gray trailer. Other friends of
the ministry, Randy and William Kamrath, are driving the gray
trailer down to Georgetown, TX, near Austin, where we will
meet them with our white trailer that is in Laredo, Tx. We will
change trailers and we will bring the gray trailer, full of
blessing bags, to Nuevo Laredo and then on to Tepic while
Randy and William will pick up water bottles and caps for their
water business in Canby, MN.

Thanks as well to all those people who helped in one way or
the other with donating ministry supplies to GCOM and also
to those who helped with loading or unloading ministry
supplies either in Canby, MN or in Laredo, TX or Omaha,
Nebraska. All these ministry supplies are in Mexico and 99% of
the supplies are already being used.
Thanks for your partnership with GCOM and please know
how much we thank God for all of you. Everyone helps in
different ways but together God uses all of us to do amazing
things, to bring many people into a relationship with Jesus
Christ and to make disciples who make other disciples.

In Christ’s Love,
Rev. Kevin, Sylvia and Joshua Rosendahl

Ministry Needs

  • $1500 towards gas, lodging, etc. for this upcoming trip tp the
    Huichole and Cora Indians and to minister in Guadalajara
  • $1500 towards projects while ministering to the Cora and
  • A cost- efficient car for the daughter of a pastor we work with in
    Nuevo Laredo. She is going to college and needs her own car.
  • A van for a ministry that provides food to feeding centers in
    Central Mexico. Now he borrows a vehicle to drive the food
    down to the feeding centers several times a year
  • Mission groups to come to Mexico in the fall to use their gifts
    and talents to minister to the Mexican people
  • Bibles are always needed as they are like gold in Mexico.

Prayer Needs
− For divine protection as we drive through Mexico and up into
the mountains, where the roads are not good at all. Also,
protection from sickness,
− For unity among the ministry team
− For God to prepare the hearts of the unreached people to
make Jesus their lord and Savior
− For better lodging conditions than we expect while in the
− For the outreaches, Bible College graduation and pastor’s
conference in Guadalajara to bear much fruit
− For abundant provision for the trip and for projects in the
− For the van and trailer to run well and not need any repairs
while on the trip
− Favor with important paperwork for the ministry missionary
− Favor getting our ministry AR and AC nonprofit status in

Stephanie Baughman — TMCI Missionary to Tasmania

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. (Philippians 4:4) Even when you are tired. I am writing you after having returned from Riverbend Camp in rural Tasmania and am exhausted after a week with 46 3rd-5th graders, but there is much in which to rejoice. Primarily, the cause of rejoicing is that two children received Jesus as their Savior. There was another that we think was already a Christian, but she affirmed her faith in the Lord Jesus. Secondly, we can rejoice that camp stayed COVID free for the whole week. We are not allowed to share pictures of the children so I am including a few of the leaders doing crazy things including me on the gyorbix.

At Camp during chapel, I led the children to discover that Jesus is God who cares for people. We had a few different Bible stories that helped us discover that including Water into Wine, the Samaritan Woman, Healing of the Nobleman’s Son, and Healing of Blind Bartimaeus. The children also learned memory verses about the new life they can have when they trust Jesus as the God who cares for them. Our verses for the week were John 3:16, John 3:17, and John 3:36. Macey came up to me in the lunch line on Thursday after having received Jesus as her Savior with one of the leaders at the end of chapel and said she felt like a big weight was lifted off her. Please pray for Macey as she begins her walk with Jesus who will never leave her.

At Camp during chapel, I led the children to discover that Jesus is God who cares for people. We had a few different Bible stories that helped us discover that including Water into Wine, the Samaritan Woman, Healing of the Nobleman’s Son, and Healing of Blind Bartimaeus. The children also learned memory verses about the new life they can have when they trust Jesus as the God who cares for them. Our verses for the week were John 3:16, John 3:17, and John 3:36. Macey came up to me in the lunch line on Thursday after having received Jesus as her Savior with one of the leaders at the end of chapel and said she felt like a big weight was lifted off her. Please pray for Macey as she begins her walk with Jesus who will never leave her.

In other news, Good News Clubs will return for Term 2 on 8 May. We will sadly soon be losing two of our most faithful leaders through the years as they will be moving to mainland Australia to be closer to their grandchildren. I know that God has the leaders in mind to take their place, but over the weekend I learned that one of the people I was talking to about coming on board will now be moving to the mainland for work as well. Please be in prayer that God would raise up leaders for the Good News Club in downtown Launceston.



Hope Ireland Missions — Chris and Larena Johnston

Exciting Developments

Greetings loved ones! We hope you all had a great Easter, as
we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! We pray
that you’re doing well, and that God’s favor is all over your lives. This
month, we saw the wheels starting to turn on our progress towards the
Galway City Center location, and the beginnings of the church in general.
We are finally caught up on much of the work we were behind on, since
commuting to Dublin for the church plant shadowing process. The Lord
spoke to my heart that we need to find a small season of rest, and from that
place of rest begin to launch out into this next season of ministry. I suppose
rest can look different to different people, but for us it’s still restful to
continue meeting with people over coffees and lunches. We get such an
excitement about connecting with people, sharing our vision for the church,
getting to know new people, and investing in their lives.

Some of you on Facebook may be following our recent
development about the city center location we’ve been seeking and praying
for. Last week the perfect property came up! I had subscribed for
notifications from a website that lists the commercial lettings in Galway.
When I saw the email I received about this property, I was immediately on
the edge of my seat. Larena and I had written up a list of qualities we were
looking for in the perfect property and prayed God would help us know the
place by the list. From the research we had been doing, we figured the best
location would be a ground floor retail property with a mostly open floor
plan, but if possible a space for an office and a space for kids to play. We
also envisioned a space in close proximity to the main pedestrian area. The
problem with many of the ground floor retail locations in this area is that
they are nearly twice the amount of rent that we are budgeting for. On the
flip side, office spaces that are generally more affordable have all been
either too small, shared with other businesses, or in very bad shape. Among
other details, we envisioned a space with a lot of natural light, a kitchenette
that we can use to make meals for the homeless, and nice flooring (so we
wouldn’t have to rip up disgusting carpets). This property has all of that!
The only thing that is different than what we had on our list is that it’s not
a ground floor retail space. This is actually fine with us, however, because
it’s classified as an office space! That means it has the retail type space we
were hoping for (with a large open space and two smaller spaces), and it’s
at the office space price (half the cost). We didn’t even think that was
possible! Please keep this in prayer. We want to be in God’s will through
all of this. We have applied, sent over our detailed bio and references, and
as of the time of writing this newsletter we’re waiting to hear back if the
landlords accept us as tenants. From there we will hire a solicitor to have
a look over the contract and then we will proceed.

If we get into this space, we will need to begin outfitting it for
our purposes. We have furniture and decor in mind, and it will be a bit
of a project, but we will see if some of the people we’ve been connecting
with might help us paint and prepare the space. There will be a lot of
work, and a decent investment into the furnishings, but God is with us!
He continues to connect us with people who have a heart for our ministry.

This past newsletter I talked about an individual who took it
upon themselves to connect us with their home church. As a result, that
church stepped up with a donation that helped us cover a huge need that
arose, as a result of the recent oil crisis. Praise the Lord, another individual
had the same thought, and before we had even mailed out the last
newsletter, another church partnered with us! This is exactly what we will
need moving forward with this City Center space! We can’t travel to the
States and itinerate like most missionaries at this stage of life. All we can
do is use social media and word of mouth. Interestingly, God always
seems to bring people in our path at the right time!

Excitement is building within our support base and we thank
God for it! We absolutely love receiving the messages of encouragement,
the emails, and the prayers. We also love hearing about how God is
blessing those who have been such a faithful blessing to us and our
ministry. It’s an answer to our prayers. Recently, I received an email from
one of our donors that they received a new position at work, praise God!
As a result of their promotion, they are committing to increase their giving
significantly! The generosity of our donors blows us away, as does their
heart for the people of Galway that we love so much! Each of our donors
mean so, so much to us. We have the BEST supporters in the world!
Whether it’s $10 a month or $100 a month, every bit counts and our
gratitude is endless for the sacrifice and commitment you all continue to
show. God bless you all!

Last week, Larena also received a very encouraging message
from a woman we have known for some time. Years ago, when we met
her, we had no idea she had an extensive history in the sex industry. After
she told us, we were shocked. But, it didn’t keep us from loving her and
her husband the way Jesus would. They ended up moving to France, but
we kept in touch over the years. As it turns out, her lifestyle had a serious
effect on her ability to bear children, and they were in a state of
hopelessness. However, Larena continued to pray for her, encourage her,
and share resources with her. At the end of last year, she gave birth to a
beautiful healthy baby girl! We were so excited for them. Earlier this
month she sent Larena a message at the most perfect time, thanking her
for her love and support. She recognized that Larena’s steadfast faith and
prayers was in itself an inspiration. It’s these connections that keep us
going. We pray that this relationship will lead to their entire family’s
salvation. Thank you for continuing to invest in our lives and mission, so
we can continue to reach people for Christ! ~The Johnstons

We would be honored
if you would pray with
us concerning:
Please pray for this space
in town, that if it is where
God would have us,
everything will fall into
Please pray for the
individuals and churches
hearts to be softened and
ready to help us with this
next stage of ministry, that
is SO outside of ourselves!
Please pray blessings on
every donor who has
supported us over the
years, for massive
blessings, 100 fold in their
Please pray for Galway
city, for her people, and
for hearts that are willing
to accept Jesus Christ as
their saviour

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Marvin Tennant: Your Mind Matters to God

Friday Exclusive TMCI TV Interview with Bishop Cherie Burger: Living Word Ministries

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Angie Connor Hicks: Holy Spirit

UFA Bible Ministries Update

And the Word of God increased

Amid troubles in Acts 4-6 Luke
points out that “the Word of God
increased, even those from
among the priests came to
faith”. We see this great
manifestation of success the first
church had in spreading the
good news in Jerusalem.
Frankly, it seems impossible
with all these internal/external
problems to even think about
the growth. Yet, the Lord was
giving them a revival which was
greater than their troubles.
That’s what we often see in the
time of crises here in this area.

ESL school and Workshop
We continued to teach English
as second language in March.
Although we were not pleased
to learn the landlord wants to
raise the rental. Continue to pray
for those who attend, with
whom we maintain meaningful
connections for the Kingdom.

The workshop for prospective
leaders is going to be on April
29-30. We have a lot of things to
discuss. After that, I and a few
leaders are going to travel to
Kazan for a conference. Pray for
that, too.
Pray for Easter service which is
on April 24th this year according
to the Eastern Calendar. Pray for
people to come to our
fellowships and be saved.
Please pray with us as we think
and plan for the future events
even as many things remain

Featured Leader
This month we are going to tell
you about a young man who
yet to become a leader. Marsel
was a student in our English
class for several years. He first
came to us when he was very
young. Little by little he started
to stay after our classes for an
extra cup of tea and discussion.
It turned out he had problems
in his family. As we spent more
time together we discussed
some Bible stories and he
shortly received Jesus as Lord
and Saviour. Marsel boldly
shared about being born again
with his family members. His
life bloossomed and his family
became our friends in the

Friends and Family
Tim and Christinas continue
their classes. Pray for good
attitude to the studies and
good memory. Also, for good
prep for the final tests.
Thank you for your standing
with us during these days. We
truly appreciate your love and
prayers. That’s what co-
working for the Kingdom is!

You can make tax deductible contribution to
Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by
the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity. Make
checks payable to:
Ufa Bible Ministries
PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202

News from Paraguay with Robert and Joy Varga

Dear loved ones and friends,
We hope and pray that this newsletter will bless you.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow…One day at the time, trusting Him who is faithful and true!

February…Was a month of grieving for our congregation because four different members of our church lost someone in their family due to sickness in the time space of one and a half weeks.
You might ask, why share it? We share it because it’s important to know that one of them didn’t know Jesusone did know Jesus and two others received Jesus as their Savior before they died.
Three out of four, that is a reason to rejoice. It also admits of the pain and is a wakeup call to make the right decision before it’s too late!

Construction of the Sunday school…We have the roof on and are now hoping to finish up with the doors and windows. Since it is a holiday season, we are not actually building but are more into the logistics of material gathering and preparing the site to be able to pour the floors and install the electrics.

Feliciano: God answers prayer in amazing ways…In February we started to pray for new people and converts. Due to the pandemic the church attendance suffered a lot.
One Sunday we came to church and there was a man sitting on the steps. It was 6:30 am and we greeted him. His name is Feliciano. He is in his late fifties. He was introduced by one of our members during a testimony time we have at our Sunday services. He came forward to explain that when he was much younger, he had visited a Baptist church while living in Asuncion. After a while he left there and went back into the world and messed up. He went through a depression that he couldn’t shake off and that went on for years. Then he came back to his village in the country, which is about 3 miles from our church.
A month and a half ago he finally dared to ask God for help.  (He thought that because of his many sins, God wouldn’t want him, or listen to him for that matter.) One morning he started walking and he saw a man dressed in beige signaling him to follow him…He followed him from a distance not knowing what to think. The man who led him to our church walked in and when Feliciano got there… he disappeared. He looked for him, but could not find him so he just sat on the steps.
Now, one and a half months later, he received the Lord,found forgiveness for his sins, and is being discipled  and has such hunger for the Word. He comes to help to clean the church on Saturdays and helps with the construction of the Sunday school. He volunteers happily for whatever is needed and walks back and forth to church and to his Bible classes. That’s 6 miles every time he comes and he says it keeps him healthy and happy. Last Sunday he came up to us and gave us a list of 11 people which he said were his brothers and sisters and if we could please help him to pray for their salvation, which we gladly do!

Which brings us to: The Glory of Easter!!!

I found this little gem many years ago and it’s very dear to my heart, but I have no idea who the author is… but it gets deep into the very soul.

The throne…
When I stand before Your Throne
Dressed in beauty, not my own
When I see Thee as Thou art…
Love Thee with unsinning heart
Then, Lord, shall I fully know,
Not till then, how much I owe…

A very blessed Easter to all of you and much love wrapped up in prayers.
Robert and Joy.